Progetto Europeo SaltGae

Algae to treat saline wastewater

SaltGae is a demostration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry.

SaltGae will develop and demonstrate a techno-economically viable solution for the treatment of saline wastewaters (WWs) from the Food & Beverage industry.


SaltGae will be a case study to overcome the cross-cutting barriers to innovation identified in the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) on Water. SaltGae will provide:

  • A techno-economically viable solution for the treatment of saline wastewaters and establish three DEMO sites for the real scale demonstration of sustainable and eco-innovative modular-based technology platforms. DEMOs will be established in Slovenia (treatment of tannery WW) Italy (whey WW) and Israel (aquaculture WW).
  • An innovative platform for the mobilisation and networking of stakeholders from all the different sectors related to WWs, and for the dissemination of results with the aim of promoting paradigm shift in perception from ‘WW treatment’ to ‘resource valorisation’.

Expected impacts

  • Contribution to the implementation of the EIP Water across several key areas: Water and WWs treatment, Water Reuse and Recycling, Water Energy Nexus, Cross Cutting Challenges.
  • Creation of new market opportunities, based on the valorisation of sludge, effluents and biomass.
  • Resource efficiency and environmental performance.
  • Development and uptake of water efficiency standards and promotion of interoperability between water information systems.
  • Support to the EU Environmental Technology Verification Pilot (ETV) programme.

Consortium overview

The consortium is composed of 20 partners coming from 9 different European and Associated countries (Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium and Israel) with high complementarity able to assure balance between research and commercial phase for each of the technological components of the SaltGae vision:

  • Sludge valorisation: NOVA ID, KOTO, Algen, BiboAqua
  • Effluents valorisation: DCU, iBET, EXTRACTIS, RISE, Arava, BiboAqua, OMS
  • Biomass valorisation: iBET, EXTRACTIS, INSTM, Inspiralia, PMIX
  • HRAP: PTP, Inspiralia, Arava, Algen, Oxidine, Archimede
  • Support Services: ENCO, Inspiralia, EDS, CF+I, EUBIA, RISE