
Production facility
A state-of-the-art facility
The production area, which Archimede Ricerche srl shares with its sister company Microalghe Camporosso, is a state-of-the-art productive unit that stands out as one of the largest microalgae production plants in Italy and Europe, boasting 11,000 square meters of photosynthetic surface area.
The plant is designed to optimize production capacity and enable the simultaneous cultivation of different microalgae species, while ensuring flexibility and high-quality standards.

The cultivation
of microalgae
The production cycle starts from the in-house laboratory with strain selection and controlled growth in small volumes and then continues in our facility where the biomass is grown in increasing volumes.
Suitable technologies
Depending on the characteristics of each microalga, growth can happen in traditional vertically developed GWPs (Green Wall Panels), closed photobioreactors with artificial light, or open ponds for large-scale production. With these various technologies at our disposal, our team of experts can select the most suitable option to ensure the growth of even the most delicate microalgae.

Biomass harvesting
Once optimal growth conditions are reached, the microalgae are harvested by centrifugation and subjected to drying, which can be done by 2 different technologies.
Biomass drying and storage
The two different technologies, freeze-drying carried out in batches and spray-drying in line with harvesting, allow us to diversify the particle size of our powders according to customer requirements.
In addition, the operating parameters of the spray dryer can be optimized as needed.
Lastly, we have a temperature-controlled warehouse where we keep our most in-demand products in stock, ready for quick shipping.
Water is extracted by sublimation, obtaining a dry biomass that requires subsequent grinding, resulting in a less volatile and coarser powder.

LaBiomass in liquid paste is sent under high pressure inside an atomizer and dried instantly, obtaining a very fine powder that does not require further grinding.
Photobioreactors for state-of-the-art industrial production facilities
Benefiting the well established expertise of the APG Industrial Group Archimede Ricerche belongs to, and its ongoing commitment to new technological investments, the company has cutting-edge industrial production facilities, such as closed artificial light photobioreactors, for which there is an exclusive patent held by the APG Group.

Reducing Environmental Impact
To reduce environmental impact, Archimede Ricerche shares the same steam production plant and recirculation cooling system with Microalghe Camporosso and A&A F.lli Parodi, achieving a a reduction in total consumption.
Additionally, there is an ultrafiltration system for recycling the culture medium, which greatly reduces water consumption.
Attention to sustainability
Thanks to the company’s focus on green chemistry and sustainability, it has invested in a cogeneration plant consisting of two diesel engines that use sustainable vegetable oil as fuel for electricity production, along with a gas exhaust heat recovery system.